The DOCERE Journal, a Strategy to Promote Cutting-Edge Teaching Practices
DOCERE, journal, periodic publication for academic dissemination, cutting-edge teaching, higher education, upper secondary education, magazine sections, areas of teacher trainingAbstract
The DOCERE journal is a semiannual publication dedicated to the dissemination of academic work on teaching in higher and upper secondary education. It was established in 2009 as part of the strategies for the professional development of professors at the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. With this issue, the collection now totals 25 editions. In this context, the contents of the previous 24 editions are analyzed based on their thematic axis and sections to recognize their contribution to cutting-edge teaching practices. The importance of this type of review is highlighted as it promotes the improvement of that composite its quality.
Translated by Alexia Carolina Cruz Rodríguez
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