Inflammation markers, cardiovascular risk and dietary intake in patients with metabolic syndrome of the Laguna of Durango state
cardiovascular risk, metabolic syndrome, inflammation markers, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, platelet/lymphocyte ratio, dietary intakeAbstract
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a group of chronic diseases that shows multiple biochemical and inflammatory alterations that increase the risk of morbidity and mortality. The aim was to describe the inflammation markers, cardiovascular risk and dietary intake of subjects with MetS. In a cross sectional survey Patients with MetS from two specialized care units in chronic diseases of Laguna from Durango were included. It was found that 100% of the subjects presented abdominal, 34.4% had a medium-high cardiovascular risk (CVR), 49% with platelet/lymphocyte ratio and 45.2% with neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio above the average. Dietary Intake was high in calories, cereals and foods of animal origin and low in fiber. The risk of morbidity and mortality at 10 years is obviously important, so strict control is necessary and evaluation of factors associated with the metabolic and inflammatory lack of control that they present.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dayna Lizett Medina-Ayala, Ángel Eduardo Villarreal-Martínez, María Aurora Maravilla-Domínguez, Alondra Martínez-Sandoval, Janeth Oliva Guangorena-Gómez, Claudia Muñoz-Yáñez, Soraya Amali Zavaleta-Muñiz

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