Quality of care in Adolescent Friendly Health Services in Morelos, Mexico: perspective of users and providers





qualitative research, adolescent health services, sexual and reproductive health, reproductive health services, adolescent health, quality of health care


This study evaluates the quality of care in adolescent-friendly services in primary care units of the Health Services of Morelos, México; from the perspective of users and health personnel. This is a descriptive qualitative study, 29 semi-structured interviews were conducted with adolescents and 20 with health personnel, in 11 clinics. The quality or services was evaluated using the dimensions of equity, accessibility, acceptability, effectiveness, and appropriate services. The findings show that health services are perceived as equitable from the interviewees' discourse. Adolescents manifest bureaucratic barriers to access, while health personnel perceived cultural barriers for it. This study identifies areas of opportunity to improve the quality of care in adolescent-friendly services, since unfriendly practices persist and jeopardize the health outcomes expected from their implementation.


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