Evaluation of chemical compounds of the Typica variety of Coffea arabica during the artisan roasting process
proximal chemical analysis, ART, Coffea arabica, CIE Lab, roasting grade, sucroseAbstract
Coffee is a drink and comes from coffee beans (Coffea arabica), which contains different macromolecules that undergo a transformation during roasting, generating attributes typical of coffee such as; flavor, color and other physical characteristics. The objective is to determine compliance with the chemical parameters established in the current regulations in Arabica coffee with different degrees of roasting from artisanal roasting. According to our results, the chemical composition complies with the ranges established in the NMX-F-013-2000, and the color of each degree of roast is located in the appropriate CIE Lab color space. On the other hand, medium roast coffee (1.146 g/l) presented higher ART content,
related to biochemical reactions during roasting. However, all degrees of roast comply with the established parameters.
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- 2020-11-30 (2)
- 2020-11-30 (1)
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Copyright (c) 2020 María F. Salazar-Hernández, Janet A. Lona-Ramírez, Claudia Rivera- Domínguez, Víctor M. Sánchez-Núñez, Hugo Rosales-Bravo, Norma A. Caudillo-Ortega
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