Characterization of volatile compounds during watermelon juice (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) spray drying
Citrullus lanatus Thunb., volatile compounds, gas chromatography, simultaneous distillation-extraction, powder product, spray dryingAbstract
The objetive of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of maltodextrin and gum Arabic on retention of maltodextrin and gum arabic on the retention of volatile compounds during spray drying of watermelon juice (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.). We used watermelon variety Alena. Three treatments were evaluated for encapsulating, T1: 0.5% w/w of maltodextrin, T2: 0.5% w/w Arabic gum and T3: 0.5% of a mixture of maltodextrin DE-10 and gum arabic (1:1) w/w. The drying conditions were constant: power flow of 15% of watermelon juice, drying temperature of 190 °C and outlet temperature of 80 °C. The volatile compounds from watermelon samples (before and after drying), were identified and quantified, using simultaneous distillation-extraction (SDE) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It was determined that the best treatment was T3 based on the major retention of compounds (isoamyl acetate, decanol, phenylpropyl alcohol and phenylethyl alcohol).
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Copyright (c) 2011 Héctor Manuel González-Sánchez, Salvador González- Palomares, Tábata Rosales-Reyes

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