Consumer preferences: An essential element in food tourism
food tourism, choice experiment, logit model, touristic consumer, traditional food, tamalesAbstract
Food always has been present in the tourist activities by biological necessity, however, in the last years, it has started to be considered a principal element in the tourism development, even to represent one of the attractions of a touristic destination along with the cultural and natural aspects. In this context, the aim objective of this research was to identify the traditional foods of a touristic region of Sonora State, that can be part of tourism food proposal, since the consumer preferences knowledge. To that aim, a conducted survey was applied to 262 potential tourists, through a choice experiment, where the price, origin and kind of food was the attribute to consider in the choices. A conditional logit model was estimated and found that meat tamales with a low price and from Ures are the most preferred between the consumers.
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