Tools for teaching molecular design and visualization of metabolites and macromolecules
PyMOL, Marvin, protein, enzyme, nucleic acidsAbstract
The digital visualization of molecules and macromolecules from biological systems is professionally employed in scientific research and publications to depict their chemical and physical properties in three dimensions. In the classroom, these tools can help the student to improve his understanding of complex concepts in structural chemistry and biology. In this work, it is reported a molecular visualization course, an accompanying manual (UNPA, s. f.), and an implementation strategy aimed for and tested with preuniversity teachers. Using professional software and databases of open access or academically licensed, we assembled demonstrations illustrating a diversity of chemistry and biology concepts commonly reviewed in courses taught by the assistants. Additionally, through a research strategy, the assistants achieved planning, development and exposition of self-generated images of their interest and useful in their teaching practice.
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