Discomfort and time use in female researchers of the Faculty of Higher Education (FES) Iztacala Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Iztacala
Time, Gender, Academic, Women, work, discomfort, healthAbstract
Considering that the exercise of free time is an indicator of gender inequality and taking as background studies that show differences in the use of time of men and women in different population groups, this research sought to document this disparity taking as population a small sample of university researchers, with the purpose of exploring their time distribution and its possible association with the report of physical and psychological discomfort within an academic work context. A questionnaire and an interview derived from it were applied to a non-probabilistic sample of academics from the Facultad de Estudios Superiores (FES), Iztacala of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Data are presented that show differences in hours of domestic and leisure work in women and men, and testimonies are presented to explain them; gender differences in the perception of discomfort are also discussed.
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