Women's Contributions to Social Anthropology: The Pioneers


  • María Rodríguez Shadow Directorate of Ethnology and Social Anthropology-INAH
  • Lilia Campos Rodríguez Autonomous University of Puebla


Women, Gender, adrocentrism, feminist contribution, social anthropology


In this essay we explore the contribution of the first generation of women ethnographers to the development of Social Anthropology, especially in their role in the advancement of feminist thought now known as Gender Anthropology. Our starting point is that early research was essentially constructed from an androcentric perspective and that notion was considered valid in any individual, men, women and other sociosexual categories (Nanda and Warms, 2004: 236; Stolcke, 1996: 335; Martin, 2006: 68; Aixelá, 2004).


For that reason, in early anthropological research, the status of women, their works, products and activities were often ignored or omitted. However, there are a number of important anthropologists who addressed these aspects in a diversity of cultures and societies from a feminist perspective, although their contributions were not fully appreciated. .


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Author Biographies

María Rodríguez Shadow, Directorate of Ethnology and Social Anthropology-INAH

Directorate of Ethnology and Social Anthropology-INAH

Lilia Campos Rodríguez , Autonomous University of Puebla

Autonomous University of Puebla


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