Differences between men and women in mathematics education: What happens in Mexico?


  • Claudia Gisela Espinosa Guia Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Gender, mathematics, mathematics education


This article presents an overview of how gender studies play an important role in mathematics education. Research on gender and mathematics has reported significant differences between girls and boys, women and men, in mathematics performance, teaching and learning at different levels of education. In Mexico, this type of studies are still not relevant, which is an important issue to analyze, since in other communities such as Australia, the United States or England these studies have been of interest since the 70's.



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Author Biography

Claudia Gisela Espinosa Guia , Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Department of Educational Mathematics (DME) of the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional).


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