Endocrine disruptors: Substances hidden in daily life that affect hormonal balance





Endocrine system, endocrine disruptors, hormonal effects, endocrine diseases, common disruptors


The endocrine system (ES) is responsible for the proper functioning of the body by controlling metabolism, reproduction, growth, and mood. It comprises organs such as the pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, pineal gland, and adrenals, which, together with other cells in other organs, regulate physiological functions by secreting hormones. However, the functioning of the ES can be altered by factors such as age, environment, stress, genetics, and some substances we are exposed to (called endocrine disruptors, ED). EDs are present in a wide range of products such as cosmetics, foods, personal products, textiles, etc. Exposure to these substances can cause serious endocrine damage and have adverse effects on health in the long term.


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