Effect of salicylic acid and ethylene on the expression of dehydrin and glyoxalase genes in Mammillaria bombycina





Phytohormones, qPCR, stress, cacti


Plants under stress conditions develop different defense systems, such as activation of signaling pathways induced by salicylic acid (SA) or ethylene (ET). Mamillaria bombycina is a cactus recently used as a model plant of molecular studies on different types of stress. Some genes expressed under stress are glyoxalases and dehydrins. In the present work, the expression of MabDHN dehydrin-like gene and MbGlyI-I, MbGlyII-I and MbGlyDJI glyoxalase genes were analyzed induced by 100 µM of AS and 2mM of ET for 3, 8 and 24 h in M. bombycina. In the treatment with AS, the genes expression decreased in all the analyzed times. Otherwise, with ET the expression of MabDHN and MbGlyI-I increased from 3 h, besides, MbGlyII-I did not show expression and MbGlyDJI expression decreased from 8 h. These results show the role of AS and ET in the expression regulation of dehydrin and glyoxalase gene in M. bombycina.


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Author Biographies

Liliana Mercado-Díaz de León, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Departamento de Química, Centro de Ciencias Básicas

Eugenio Martín Pérez-Molphe Balch , Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Departamento de Química, Centro de Ciencias Básicas

José Francisco Morales-Domínguez, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Departamento de Química, Centro de Ciencias Básicas


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