Free radical scavenger capacity of phenolic compounds recovered from agroindustrial waste
Antioxidants, bioactives, extraction, fruit, stubble, wasteAbstract
Agroindustrial waste from the consumption of primary products represents an environmental challenge due to its underuse. Particularly, those of plant origin are rich in phenolic compounds that can be used in the formulation of functional foods. Therefore, the free radical scavenging capacity of phenols extracted from apple, mango peels, bean and corn stubble were evaluated by extractions with water at two temperatures (25 and 90 °C) and 50% ethanol. Mango extracts at 90 °C had the highest concentrations of phenols (847.00±22.64 mg EAG/100 g), coinciding with the greatest reduction of the DPPH radical (1532.33±9.86 EAA/100 g) and ABTS (2777.33±8.02 mg ET/100g). These results highlight the potential for transforming waste into valuable sources of bioactive compounds with direct implications for health since their intake favors the prevention of chronic-degenerative diseases, thereby contributing to improving the management of this type of waste.
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Copyright (c) 2025 José Miguel Ángel Castillo-Minjarez, Enaim Aída Vargas-León, Yasmín Esperanza-Lua; Francisco Javier Martínez-Valdez ; Gabriela Carrillo-Sancén
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