Training on the separation of four valuable urban solid waste in a higher education institution




collection, management, recycling


Inadequate solid waste management in educational centers aggravates environmental problems. Train and promote ecological awareness in the collection and classification of valuable urban solid waste within an educational community, in order to promote the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste. Training focused on reuse and recycling was developed, including the ReciclaTec campaign, promoting a conscious environmental culture among students. After the implementation of the talks, the waste generated at the institute was Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET; 201.1 kg), cardboard (55.2 kg), paper (204.2 kg) and aluminum (3.8 kg), totaling 464.3 kilograms, over a period of time of four months. Constant training and the inclusion of marked containers are essential to maintain and improve waste classification and management, promoting effective environmental education and the significant reduction of discarded waste.


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