When Álvarez Bravo became an amateur Photographic reading and communicative contexts





Visual communication, photography, communicative context, photographic reading, Classical photographers, Contemporary photographers


The article presents an experimental exercise of "photographic reading" that investigates the contexts of the image. Following the idea of the forcefulness of photography, a series of images contained in the book Oaxacagrafía.

This book presents eleven photographs captured in different places in the city of Oaxaca, between 1962 and 2018, by eleven classic and contemporary photographers. The results of the exercise show that the previous knowledge of the names of the authors, their lives, or the artistic currents to which they belong, contribute more to the reading than the image itself that they observe.


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Author Biography

Citlalli González-Ponce, Universidad Veracruzana

Instituto de Artes Plásticas


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How to Cite

González-Ponce, C. (2024). When Álvarez Bravo became an amateur Photographic reading and communicative contexts. Investigación Y Ciencia De La Universidad Autónoma De Aguascalientes, (91). https://doi.org/10.33064/iycuaa2024914515



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