On a categorical version of a generalized projectivity criterion for modules over domains


  • Jorge Eduardo Macías-Díaz Autonomous University of Aguascalientes




Module categories, ascending chains of modules, torsion-free modules, Hill’s Criterion, pure submodules, integral domains


In this work, we establish a generalization of Hill's Criterion of freeness of abelian group theory, to categories M of torsion-free modules over integral domains, which are closed with respect to the formation of direct sums, and in which every member can be decomposed into direct sums of modules of M of rank at most a fix limit cardinal number K. Our main result states that a module belongs to M if it is the union of a continuous, well-ordered, ascending chain of length k, consisting of pure submodules which belong in.


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Author Biography

Jorge Eduardo Macías-Díaz, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes

Department of Mathematics and Physics, Center for Basic Sciences.


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