Transnumeration and argumentation: Key processes for the construction of quantitative-research evidences in postgraduate students
Transnumeration, Argumentation, Statistical Analysis, Statistical Reasoning, Higher education, PostgraduateAbstract
The transnumeration is a type of statistical reasoning that considers the most suitable analysis from different perspectives, as well as the representations that communicate the results of a research. The objective of the study is to describe the transnumeration processes carried out by postgraduate students to give meaning to the obtained data and to build the arguments that support their research/thesis’ objectives. The results of task-based interviews carried out with 14 postgraduate students from the areas of social and administrative sciences are shown, in which different transnumerative strategies and types of arguments offered by the students are explored. The results show that the transnumeration allowed to reassess the nature of the variables considered in their analysis and their transformation possibilities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Eudave-Muñoz, David Alfonso-Páez , Ana Cecilia Macías-Esparza , Martha Cinthia García-Gaytán, Lucía Magdalena Rodríguez-Ponce
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