Self-leadership, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and innovative skills of the centennial generation in Mexico
Centennial Generation, Self-leadership, Entrepreneurship, Mexico, innovative skillsAbstract
Young university students belonging to the generation known as Centennials or Z seek new trends, environments and work independently, therefore, many of them undertake; so, their self-leadership, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and innovative skills turn out to be important. For this study, six hundred twenty-six higher education students between nineteen and twenty-four years of age from the National Institute of Technology of Mexico in Celaya, participated. The objective was to analyze whether there is a relationship and what type, between self-leadership, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and innovative skills in Centennial students. using structural equation modeling through partial least squares (PLS), and, three validated instruments with a five-point Likert scale. It was found a positive relationship between the variables of self-leadership, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and innovative skills in the Centennial Generation.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Eugenio Guzmán-Soria, María Teresa De la Garza-Carranza, Victoria Yamileth Herrera-Laguna, Karla Yohana Sánchez-Mojica
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