Assessment of corrective actions aimed at improving the dimensional quality of lumber of Pinus spp in Durango, Mex.
sawmilling, lumber, sawing varation, maintenance, lumber recovery factor, target sizeAbstract
The purpose of this study is to contribute to optimize the use of raw material in the sawmilling process; therefore, so eleven corrective actions were evaluated intended to reduce the variation in the thickness of the lumber in three sawmills in Durango. Each action was assessed using 10 samples of Pinus spp boards with nominal thickness of 22.23 mm (7/8”). For the sawing variation of the lumber, the method of multi-point technique was utilized, comparing the effect of each action with a control sample of lumber without implementing any corrective action. The results showed that two of the eleven actions evaluated showed a marked
reduction in the sawing variation from 49% to 64% which was achieved by reducing the feed rate and adjustment of the saw guides.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Juan Abel Nájera Luna, José Trinidad Montañez Rivera, Jorge Méndez González, Francisco Cruz Cobos, Cristóbal Gerardo Aguirre Calderón
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