The evolution of the mediation in judicial headquarters towards other headquarters like alternative for the resolution of conflicts in Aguascalientes
Mediation in judicial headquarters, mediator, community mediation, trial, agreement, citizen participationAbstract
The present article refers how it has evolved the mediation in the last years, happening of being a procedure offered in judicial headquarters to be also a mechanism used in another type of headquarters, especially in the community area. In Aguascalientes this transition has begun to give, with the creation of new programs of mediation. The results of the Center of Mediation of the Judicial Power of Aguascalientes prove that the mediation every time is more used by the citizens, which also is a sample of the relevancy of promoting the use of the mediation in another type of diverse headquarters to the judicial one. The present work seeks to announce the advantages of the community mediation, as well as the advances and evolution of the mediation in Aguascalientes.
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Copyright (c) 2013 María Guadalupe Márquez Algara, José Carlos De Villa Cortés
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