Potential impacts of climate change on maize production
climate change, maize, food security, agriculture, temperature, precipitationAbstract
The effects of climate change (CC) are already being observed worldwide. It is estimated that in consequence of the accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere, an increase in temperature and greater variability of the precipitation affecting agriculture and food security may occur. Maize production may be diminished due to adverse effects of CC. This review study indicates that in most regions of the world, maize yield will be reduced by the end of the XXI century, under different scenarios GHG, mainly by increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation. These adverse effects could be attenuated by constant improvement of agricultural technology and the adoption of effective adaptation measures.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Ramiro Ahumada Cervantes, Gilberto Velázquez Angulo, Edith Flores Tavizón, Jaime Romero González

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