Withdrawal strength of nails and wood screws in four pine species from Durango, Mexico





radial surface, tangential surface, transverse surface, joint members, Pinus sp., El Salto, Durango


A technological study in the wood of Pinus engelmannii Carr., P. douglasiana Martínez, P. leiophylla Schltdl. y Cham. and P. herrerae Martínez from El Salto, Durango, was conducted in order to determine the withdrawal stress in nails of 2.5 x 50, 3 x 63.5 and 3.3 x 76.2 mm, as well screws for wood of 4 x 50 mm according to the ASTM-D1761-88 standard. Forty replications were carried out by species for each type of nail and screw considering the radial, tangential and transverse surfaces. The values obtained were adjusted to 12% of moisture content. The results showed a greater strength withdrawal of nails in the wood of P. engelmannii with 61.89 kgf; the radial surface exhibited 50.35 kgf and the nails of 3.3 x 76.2 mm registered 53.33 kgf.  


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Author Biographies

Juan Abel Nájera Luna, Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto

División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación

Jesús Ponciano Olivas Bejarano, Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto

Programa de Ingeniería Forestal

Jorge Méndez González, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro

Departamento Forestal


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How to Cite

Nájera Luna, J. A., Olivas Bejarano, J. P., & Méndez González, J. (2014). Withdrawal strength of nails and wood screws in four pine species from Durango, Mexico. Investigación Y Ciencia De La Universidad Autónoma De Aguascalientes, (61), 41–47. https://doi.org/10.33064/iycuaa2014613654



Artículos de Investigación
