Management, conservation, and improvement of the native maize program at the Engineering and Science Faculty in the State University of Tamaulipas
maize native, plant genetic resource, Tamaulipas, conservation, use plant breedingAbstract
The state of Tamaulipas is located inside the origin maize region with domestication and diversification properties. This genetic plant resource is in risk because genetic erosion has been increasing during the last years. In 2001, research scientists from the
Engineering and Science Faculty of the State University of Tamaulipas started a management, conservation, and improvement germplasm maize program. This program is a collaborative work between scientists from the School of Postgraduates and CIRNE-INIFAP where different research projects have developed. Most relevant results are: preservation of 215 native maize samples, germplasm with extended phenological variability covering a range from 50 to 90 days of flowering time, from 100 to 150 days of
physiological maturity stage, with drought and high temperature adaptation, and high yield of grain and forage.
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De páginas electrónicas
• CONABIO. 2011. Base de datos del proyecto global “Recopilación, generación, actualización y análisis de información acerca de la diversidad genética de maíces y sus parientes silvestres en México”. Octubre de 2010. CONABIO. México, D. F.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Javier González Martínez, José Alberto López Santillán, Florencio Briones Encinia, Sóstenes Edmundo Varela Fuentes, César Augusto Reyes Méndez, José Agapito Pecina Martínez
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