Work postures in logging operations in the forests of Pueblo Nuevo, Durango, Mexico
Ergonomics, musculoskeletal injuries, OWAS, body postures, security, forestry workAbstract
Forest extraction operations involves high-risk activities for the physical integrity of workers. To evaluate the risk index of the body postures adopted by chainsaw operators, tow rope operators, load operators, documentation workers and crane operators, the OWAS method was applied by job position. Through the analysis of a sequence of 60 photographs taken from 30 minutes of video per job, it was found that the risk index is medium for chainsaw operators, towing and cargo cable operators due to the greater frequency of harmful positions of risk three and four that involve a bent back with a twist and bent legs, which in turn are strongly related to the activity carried out in each job. Given this, it is recommended to implement recovery technical pauses and reduce the time of uncomfortable and unhealthy positions.
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