Lead removal in aqueous solution using orange peel (Citrus sinensis)
sites chelating, adsorbent materials, heavy metals, demethylationAbstract
There are problems associated with toxicity and accumulation of heavy metals discharged into natural water bodies in the state of Chihuahua. Thus, Biosorption is a low-cost technology that can be applied to remove soluble ions. In this study the removal efficiency (RE) of Pb +2 soluble was assessed, using des-methylated orange peel. As reference process (T1), the orange peel was washed, dried, and milled. Orange peel portions from T1 were washed with 2M NaOH to pH 10, to obtain the demethylated
process (T2). The removal efficiency was evaluated in solutions at pH 3.0, to lead concentrations from 0.3 to 0.8 ppm and to mixing times of 1 h, 3 h and 6 h. Remaining Pb+2 was measured by atomic absorption. T2 showed the highest RE value (85.8 ± 3.9%) to 0.38
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Copyright (c) 2014 Marusia Rentería Villalobos, Leonela Ramírez Marfil, Nelson Aguilar Palma, Héctor Rubio Arias, Carmelo Pinedo Álvarez, Cristina Vélez Sánchez Verín

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