Digital literacy: learning outside the classroom in primary education students in Aguascalientes, Mexico
digital literacy, classroom outside learning, information and communication technologies, dominant literacy practices, vernacular literacy practices, primary schoolAbstract
The aim of the study was to characterize the appropriation and use of children digital literacy (DL) outside primary schools (OPS). Quantitative and qualitative design (2011-2012) was performed. In the quantitative part, the EL-OPS from 127 students (11-12 years) from two public schools were explored via questionnaire. For the qualitative part, 12 students were individually interviewed during reading exercises (Free textbooks of Natural Science, digital version) on a laptop with internet access. The study showed that the students spontaneously spent a lot of time (25.5 ± 5.3 h/w) in computers and Internet use in OPS.
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De páginas electrónicas
• SEP (SECRETARÍA DE EDUCACIÓN PÚBLICA). Libro de Ciencias Naturales, Sexto grado. Versión electrónica. Educación Básica Primaria. México: Autor, 2009. Recuperado de
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