Models of taper and merchantable volume for Pinus oocarpa and Pinus douglasiana in the region of Pueblo Nuevo, Durango
normal diameter, taper, compatible models, Pinus oocarpa, Pinus douglasiana, ble volume, merchantable volumeAbstract
The objective of this research was to set 10 compatible models of taper and merchantable volume for the region of Pueblo Nuevo, Durango. The data come from 163 trees of Pinus oocarpa and 223 of Pinus douglasiana, to which the diameter at different
heights of the tree and overall height was measured. We calculated the volume; with the equation of the cylinder to the stump, with the Smalian intermediate logs and the tip of the cone. The adjustment was made through Maximum Likelihood with Complete
Information (FIML), the selection criteria were the Determination Coefficient (R2) and the Root of the Square Means of Error (RCME). The best fit was obtained with the compatible model Cruz et al. (2008), the generated system allows estimating trading volumes to different sections of the tree, the diameter at any height and height to any diameter.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Juana Constanza López Martínez, Francisco Cruz Cobos, Juan Abel Nájera Luna, Francisco Javier Hernández

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