Detection of surface mount tantalum capacitors with marginal connections




Surface mount capacitors are part of a variety of widespread electronic devices such as mobile phones, televisions, electronic boards, etc. These capacitors may have marginal connection between the junctions of internal elements, which can lead to
malfunction or damage to the electronic device. In this paper, a system capable of detecting a marginal connection at different percentages in capacitors efficiently and effectively is presented. Experimental results show that it is possible to detect marginal connections by measuring the temperature at the terminals of capacitor operating under electrical stress conditions.


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How to Cite

Flores Vázquez, S. I., López Hernández, J., Rodríguez García, J. A., Martínez Peña, E., Rocha Rangel, E., Armendáriz Mireles, E. N., Martínez González, K. G., & Chávez García, H. (2015). Detection of surface mount tantalum capacitors with marginal connections. Investigación Y Ciencia De La Universidad Autónoma De Aguascalientes, (64), 35–40.



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