Edible coating evaluation based on agar and citric acid
potato, edible coating, agar, glycerol, citric acidAbstract
The performance of an edible coating based on agar and citric acid over potato (Solanum tuberosum) was evaluated. The potatoes were tried by immersion with solutions of Agar (A), Agar-Citric acid (AC), AgarGlycerol (AG), and a mixture of the three (ACG). AC
based film showed the lowest thickness values and rate of water vapor transmission. Coating the fruit with AC reduced 1.57 times weight loss compared to the control. Moreover, AC showed higher brightness values, chrome, kept the sensory characteristics
and reduced the presence of potato sprouts after 6 days at 20 °C. In scanning electron microscopy no substantial morphological changes were observed in potatoes with the applied treatments. The results show that the formulation based on agar and citric
acid (AC) had the characteristics of semipermeable film and edible coating.
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