Proximal evaluation and antioxidant content of a spaguetti-like pasta from grape pomace and amaranth
grape, pomace, flour, pasta, spaguetti, polyphenolsAbstract
In the present work, a paste was developed from pomace and amaranth flour, which was obtained according to the methodology of Morato (2009), and later, it was mixed with amaranth in different concentrations to generate three formulations (50:50, 55:45,
60:40) called M1, M2 and M3. M3 (Experimental) was the one that presented the highest levels of protein, fat, sugar, fiber and antioxidant content when compared to a commercial pasta (Yemina®) type spaghetti. The main results were a high content of protein and fiber (17.56 and 37.16 g/100 g), respectively. In the case of phenols, flavonoids and tannins, they were up to ten times higher compared to commercial pasta. The paste with pomace will be a new product, which if accepted sensory could give added value to the pomace and to the grape producers of the state of Queretaro.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Abizaday Rodríguez-Zúñiga, Ana Angélica Feregrino-Pérez, Manuel Juárez-García, Juan Fernando García-Trejo, José Mancillas-Medina, Martha Ávila-Ontiveros, Areli Leyva-Maldonado, J. Francisco Ramírez-García
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