Validation of sentences with congruent and incongruent closures for the Mexican population
cloze probability, N400 component, semantic congruity, semantic incongruity, Spanish sentences, Mexican populationAbstract
The aim was to generate and validate semantically congruent and incongruent sentences, all syntactically correct, for the Mexican population, that can be used in studies of the effect of context on lexical processing, in neurophysiological tests for patients with cognitive impairments, in monitoring patients with language problems and in the research of cognitive processes. We homogenized its length to four words to increase the control of variables and to present the largest number of trials in the shortest possible time, reducing the participants’ fatigue. The result is a set of sentences with several closing words, their respective Tulving-and-Gold I, cloze probability, and ‘sense level’ values, so that the user of these sentences can choose among closures with different values. These sentences evoked the N400 centro-parietal electrophysiological component with a maximum peak of -4.7 µV, and latency at 401 ms on average.
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