Estimation of water footprints in agricultural production from Tahiti lime in La Angula Basin, Santander, Colombia
water footprint, water resources management, agricultural activities, La Angula BasinAbstract
This study quantifies the blue, green and gray water footprint (WF) of the Tahiti lime crop in the upper area of the La Angula ravine basin, Santander, Colombia. Likewise, sustainability in the use of the water resource used in these activities is analyzed. For this, the standard methodology of WF calculation was used for agricultural activities, where the volume of blue and green water added in the production of Tahiti lime and the amount of the resource for the purification of contaminants in the gray was determined. For the years studied (wet and dry), total consumption for annual production of Tahiti lime was 1.74×106 m3 with a virtual footprint of 452.3 m3 /t for the wet year, while for the dry year, total and virtual were 1.25×107 m3 and 486.2 m3 /t, respectively.
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- 2020-01-31 (2)
- 2020-01-31 (1)
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Copyright (c) 2020 Carlos Fernando Arenas-Jiménez, Sandra Natalia Correa Torres, Sergio Manuel Pineda-Vargas

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