Bullying at school: differences for adolescent students in rural and urban contexts
bullying, adolescents, rural context, urban contextAbstract
The study of bullying from an ecological and social perspective, wil allow us to point out programs of care and prevention, considering the characteristics of the context. This study aims to learn about differences in rural and urban public secondary schools, with regard to gender variables used bullying, willingness to ask for support, and roles which exhibit participation in bullying episodes. The results allow to point out that both in the rural and urban context, there are no gender differences with respect to the type of aggression that is used to cause damage; with respect to the roles exhibited in bullying episodes, it is identified that in both context they are the same roles, however, the urbans used more serious aggression, while the rural used exclusion. Finally, students in the urban context are more willing to ask for help.
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