Antagonistic activity of Trichoderma spp. against Rhizoctonia solani in vitro
antagonism, antibiosis, phytopathogen, resistanceAbstract
Rhizoctonia solani is an important pathogen of potato, which affects the emergence and development of the plant and causes deformation of the tuber. Currently strategies to control this pathogen are based on synthetic fungicides and this has originated cases of resistance. Therefore, 31
strains of Trichoderma against R. solani (TJ53, ACH42 and HSO56) were evaluated in vitro. For this, trials in dual cultures, volatile and non-volatile compounds were established, using Petri dishes with medium Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). T. asperellum T18 and T16 showed antagonistic effect in three tests on all R. solani strains. Results suggest that the next stage would include greenhouse and field evaluation of T. asperelllum (T18 y T16) and T. rossicum (T1) against R. solani strains.
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