Prediction of the influence of core vote on null vote in a democratic two-party electoral system
opinion network, simulation, spin network, core vote, null vote, electoral networkAbstract
In this work we analyze the possible effect that the core vote might have on the null vote in a two-party system, by introducing an opinion network with active agents (nodes) uniformly distributed in their initial state with a value called spin , spin , and spin . The first two values, called core votes, represent staunch supporters of a chosen political current; the last value represents inactive or undecided voters which might change to due to the interactions with their four closest acquaintances, also known as 4-neighbors. We conducted three studies. First we analyzed the relationship between the final concentration of active agents and the initial proportion of active agents, then we observed the final proportion of inactive agents with respect to the initial proportion of active agents, and finally, we observed the system evolution, with respect to the number of cycles that elapse before the system reaches stability.
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