Fermentation parameters and ruminal kinetics in steers supplements with different additives
volatile fatty acids, N-NH3, monensin, glucogenic substrate, yeastAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the N-NH3 content, volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration and pH using 4 ruminal fistulated steers (700 ± 100 kg) supplemented with different additives. Four diets concentrate-forage 70:30 (T1) were offered with a supplementation of monensin, yeast and a glucogenic substrate for T2, T3 and T4, respectively. Data were analyzed as a 4 x 4 latin square with factorial arrangement. Yeast supplementation increased propionate and decreased acetate concentrations (P <0.05); however, the other additives showed no effect on VFA (P >0.05). Likewise, yeast supplementation increased N-NH3 ( P <0.05) enhancing ruminal protein degradability and suggesting an increase in the fibrolytic microorganisms and promotes a higher digestibility rate. The pH was not affected by supplementation (P >0.05).
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