Houses on artificial underground caves: social construction of risk. Case Atizapan of Zaragoza, State of Mexico
houses, underground caves, mining tunnelsAbstract
The problem of houses located on artificial underground caves in conjunction with the need for housing in Mexico represents a (physical, social, economic, urban and political-legal) risk; along with the vulnerability of housing and population and urban growth. The threat of mining subsidence becomes a risk when the population is settled in places on artificial underground caves. That is, risk is the product of the actions of a population on nature; therefore, a problem that develops in a historical process. The homes located on artificial underground caves have an eminent and imminent risk, so the understanding and explanation of the phenomenon is essential, based on historical processes, identifying architectural urban problems before, during and after the disaster; from the interaction of two key players: the estate-town and social participation.
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De páginas electrónicas
• MUNICIPIO DE ATIZAPÁN DE ZARAGOZA, ESTADO DE MÉXICO. DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE PROTECCIÓN CIVIL Y BOMBEROS. Riesgos Geológicos. Protección Civil. 2009. Recuperado el 22 de abril de 2011, de
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