The importance of monitoring biogeochemical processes in coastal lagoons: Estero El Soldado Protected Natural Area as a case study
biogeochemical processes, nutrients fluxes, net ecosystem metabolism, coastal lagoonsAbstract
This contribution presents estimates of nutrient fluxes and net metabolism in a pristine coastal lagoon of the Gulf of California. During spring, water variables were sampled in the lagoon and the adjacent sea. The biogeochemical model proposed by the LOICZ program (Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone) estimated the nutrient fluxes and the net metabolism of the ecosystem. The water renewal rate was 3 days. The El Soldado lagoon functioned as a source of nitrogen (+61 mol day-1) and as a phosphorus basin (-42 mol day-1). The net metabolism was autotrophic (73 mmol C m2 month-1) and dominated nitrogen fixation. These observations in the El Soldado lagoon, help to understand the biogeochemical processes and show the importance of their monitoring throughout the annual cycle, as well as in long term periods.
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- 2019-05-31 (2)
- 2019-05-31 (1)
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