Photogrammetric follow-up of the Popocatepetl volcano exhalations in Mexico during the year 2016
volcano, Popocatepetl, crater, photogrammetryAbstract
The following work shows a study about the recent activity of the Popocatepetl volcano, analyzing images of the eruptive columns of the same and supported by terrestrial and satellite photogrammetry tools for their classification; the emanation of gases, ashes, height and direction were calculated. After 67 years, on December 21, 1994 the volcano had an eruptive activity. The columns reached up to 3 km altitude, the ash emission increased and the seismometers indicated tremors of the movement of the magma in the structure.
This event marked the reactivation of the volcano, this study shows an analysis of the surface and perimeter of the crater, to determine the deformations that it has suffered until 2016 generated by the activity that the volcano has experienced; for this study, satellite images and application of specialized software for its processing were used.
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