Volume table for Arbutus spp. (madrono) in the region of Pueblo Nuevo, Durango
volume models, allometric relations, madronoAbstract
Mathematical equations were fitted to estimate the total volume in madrono trees (Arbutus spp.), in the region of Pueblo Nuevo, Durango. 120 trees of different diameter categories were demolished, the variables normal diameter (D), total height (H), diameter of the base (DB) and crown diameter (DC) were measured. The volume of each tree was obtained with the xylometer. 20 models of one input and 15 of two or more inputs were tested for to predict the volume, the equations adjustment was by Ordinary Least Squares and Weighted Least Squares. For the selection of the best model, the RCME, R2 and the level of significance of the parameters were taken into account. The best model of one input was the M2 (allometric of Berkhout), which considers the independent variable normal diameter, the two inputs M21 (Schumacher-Hall), that consider independent variables the normal diameter and total height.
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