Water quality using physical-chemical and metal parameters en three contrasting locations of the Conchos river in Chihuahua, Mexico
water quality, Conchos river, Chihuahua, Mexico, metalsAbstract
The state of Chihuahua is located in a geographic region where half of the State is considered to be a semiarid or arid environment; for this reason, the water resource is a fundamental necessity. The objective was to determine the water quality in terms of physical-chemical-metals parameters at three location points of the Conchos river; before being captioned in the dam and after being captioned. A total of 80 random samples were collected; thirty randomly water samples were collected in Valle de Zaragoza (VZ), 20 samples in the Boquilla dam (PB) and 30 samples in San Francisco de Conchos (SFC). The measured parameters were temperature (T), total dissolved solids (TDS), hydrogen potential (pH), electrical conductivity (EC) and the following metals and metalloids; Al, As, B, Cd, Pb, Se, Ca, Cr, Cu, Co, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Si y Zn....
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