Experimental determination and verification by the finite element method of the natural vibration frequency of wooden bars
mechanical characterization, density of wood, dynamic modulus, transverse vibrations, material parameters, numerical modelingAbstract
The finite element method has been used extensively in the mechanical characterization of wood. The objective of the research was to determine experimentally and verify numerically, the natural frequency in transverse vibrations of small bars of 12 woods. The density, the frequency of vibration and the dynamic module were determined experimentally. In addition, the frequency corresponding to the material parameters determined experimentally was numerically estimated. The use of the dynamic module obtained experimentally and used on simulations, leads to frequency values equivalent to those obtained in vibration tests, thus proving the efficiency of numerical modeling to estimate the frequency of a piece of wood. In addition, the correlation between the numerical frequency and the experimental frequency explains 66% of this dependence. Thus, the calculated linear regression indicates a good predictive quality of the simulation model used in the investigation.
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