Knowledge and perception about climate change in coastal communities in the municipality of Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico
climate change, coastal communities, fishing, knowledge, perception, pollutionAbstract
As has been stated previously that climate change is a topical problem that requires urgent action, a study is presented with the objective of analyzing the level of knowledge and perception about climate change in three coastal communities in the municipality of Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico. The technique used was the conducting surveys, a total of 193 questionnaires were applied. The questions focused on topics such as the conceptualization of climate change, the impact of climate change on livelihoods, among others. The results show that a high percentage of people perceive a change in climate, mainly in temperature and that approximately, in a quarter of the population surveyed a level of acceptable knowledge about climate change is perceived. Citizens are receptive to receive training and to implement mitigation and adaptation strategies.
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