Heavy metals in sediments of the Bustillos Lagoon, Chihuahua, Mexico and comparison of agua regia and hydrogen peroxide as digestion methods
sedimentation, pollution, heavy metals, aquatic ecosystemAbstract
The aim was to quantify the level of pollution with metals in sediments of the Bustillos Lagoon and to compare two methods of digestion (agua regia and peroxide). Fifteen random points were selected, and samples were collected at the top (0-10 cm) and below (10-20 cm). The analysis was performed in a ICPOES quantifying chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), lithium (Li), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), cobalt (Co), cooper (Cu), lead (Pb) and strontium (Sr). An ANOVA was carried out considering a 2x2 factorial arrangement. The results showed statistical differences for the digestion method (P<0.05), but no differences was noted for depth (P>0.05) neither for the interaction (P>0.05).
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