Caracterización de consumidores agroindustriales de carne de pequeños rumiantes en el Estado de México
meat, sheep, goats, principal component analysis, barbacoyero, birrieroAbstract
The agroindustrial consumers (AIC) of small ruminants for meat (SRM) were characterized in the State of Mexico. With a semi-structured survey, sociodemographic information, about commercialization and importance of the attributes of the SRM (live weight, sex, race, among others) was obtained. The data were analyzed with the technique of principal components, Tukey test and Kruskal-Wallis. According to their similarity between objects (73.3% of the total variance and KMO= 0.802), three groups of CAI were obtained: Group 1. Urban barbacoyero, Group 2. Rural barbacoyero/birriero, and Group 3. Butcher. Groups 1 and 3, acquired animals of lower weight (p <0.05) and Group 3, paid 7% more than the price of animals with respect to groups 1 and 2 (p <0.05). It was evidenced that there are three groups of AIC that differ in their characteristics and demands of the quality attributes of the SRM.
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