The mediation in Aguascalientes, at a decade of its existence


  • José Carlos De Villa-Cortés Autonomous University of Aguascalientes
  • María Guadalupe Márquez-Algara Autonomous University of Aguascalientes



Mediation, justice, autocomposition, voluntary, social peace, mediation center


This article outlines the various legal procedures to resolve disputes. These can be by heterocomposition or by autocomposition. In the autocomposition media mediation is found, which is a procedure that has always existed, but in the social field, and in recent years, it has hardly been integrated into the various local laws of the states. lt has also led to a constitutional reform. In Aguascalientes the Judiciary Mediation Center of Aguascalientes has been created to offer free mediation service to all citizens. This investigation in now looking for the results that the Center has achieved after existing for almost a decade. On the other hand, an investigation is done to see if the mediation has prompted changes in the curricula in BAS in law in the universities of this state.


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Author Biographies

José Carlos De Villa-Cortés, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes

Department of Law, Center for Social Sciences and Humanities

María Guadalupe Márquez-Algara, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes

Department of Law, Center for Social Sciences and Humanities


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Artículos de Investigación
