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Rory V. O’Connor. In memoriam



Palabras clave:

Ingeniería de Software, Procesos de Mejoramiento de Software, Estándares de Procesos de Software, Aspectos Conductuales de los Desarrolladores de Software




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Biografía del autor/a

Manuel Mora, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Departamento de Sistemas de Información, Centro de Ciencias Básicas


• Aydan, U., Yilmaz, M., Clarke, P. M., & O’Connor, R. V. (2017). Teaching ISO/IEC 12207 software lifecycle processes: A serious game approach. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 54, 129-138.
• Calderón, A., Ruiz, M., & O'Connor, R. V. (2018). A serious game to support the ISO 21500 standard education in the context of software project management. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 60, 80-92.
• Clarke, P., & O’Connor, R. V. (2012). The situational factors that affect the software development process: Towards a comprehensive reference framework. Information and Software Technology, 54(5), 433-447.
• Coleman, G., & O’Connor, R. (2007). Using grounded theory to understand software process improvement: A study of Irish software product companies. Information and Software Technology, 49(6), 654-667.
• __________ (2008). Investigating software process in practice: A grounded theory perspective. Journal of Systems and Software, 81(5), 772-784.
• gconway (17 de septiembre de 2019). Prof. Rory O’Connor (R.I.P.) - Head of school 2014-2019 [Documento en línea con fotografía ilustrativa en DCU School of Computing]. Recuperado de
• Laporte, C. Y., & O’Connor, R. V. (2017). An overview of eight implementations. CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, May-June, 23-27.
• Laporte, C. Y., O’Connor, R. V., & Fanmuy, G. (2013.) International systems and software engineering standards for very small entities. CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, May-June, 28-33.
• Larrucea, X., O'Connor, R. V., Colomo-Palacios, R., & Laporte, C. Y. (2016). Software process improvement in very small organizations. IEEE Software, 33(2), 85-89.
• LERO. The Irish Software Research Centre. (2019). Tribute to Professor Rory O’Connor [Documento en línea]. Recuperado de
• Mendeley (2019). Rory O’Connor (Perfil de usuario). Recuperado de
• Ryan, S., & O’Connor, R. V. (2009). Development of a team measure for tacit knowledge in software development teams. Journal of Systems and Software, 82(2), 229-240.
• __________ (2013). Acquiring and sharing tacit knowledge in software development teams: An empirical study. Information and Software Technology, 55(9), 1614-1624.
• Yilmaz, M., O’Connor, R. V., & Mora, M. (2016). Improving social aspects of the software development process: Games, gamification and related approaches. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 22(12), 1487-1488.





Cómo citar

Mora, M. (2020). Rory V. O’Connor. In memoriam. Investigación Y Ciencia De La Universidad Autónoma De Aguascalientes, (80), 99–101.



