The Teaching Practice as a Creative Activity of Balancing Planning and Intuition


  • Alejandra Torres Landa López Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes



creativity in teaching, creative teacher, creative teaching


This text addresses the topic of creativity in teaching practice, starting with the differentiation between creativity and design, and how these should be complements. It outlines some approaches to planning and implementing courses, as well as issues where potential barriers to creativity in teaching practice are identified. Later, some solutions are proposed to foster creativity in the classroom, from course planning to the use of intuition and improvisation in teaching as a creative phase for the teacher, concluding with creative evaluation tools. This way allowing to conclude with some final reflections.


Translated by Alexia Carolina Cruz Rodríguez 


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Author Biography

Alejandra Torres Landa López, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Arquitecta, maestra en Docencia de la Educación Superior y doctora en Ciencias de los Ámbitos Antrópicos. Profesora e investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes desde 1994, adscrita al Departamento de Arquitectura del Centro de Ciencias del Diseño y de la Construcción. Maestra en licenciatura y posgrado; ha impartido cursos en modalidad presencial, en línea y en ambientes combinados; participado con carteles, ponencias y conferencias en foros, seminarios y congresos locales, nacionales e internacionales. Ha publicado artículos, capítulos de libros y el libro “El tercer maestropara el siglo XXI. Infraestructura educativa para el aprendizaje ubicuo.



How to Cite

Torres Landa López, A. (2019). The Teaching Practice as a Creative Activity of Balancing Planning and Intuition. DOCERE, (21), 12–15.



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