Notes for Updating Teacher at UAA
teaching, teaching model, management and evaluation of teachingAbstract
The article briefly shows the institutional experience of the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes regarding the pedagogical training of teachers. The need for a teaching model, derived from the Institutional Educational Model (IEM), which tends to discipline specificity, as well as materials and resources that define it and favor its implementation. Assuming the existence of this model, and based on it, the convenience of an integral strategy to transform teaching from different levels is argued, by harmonizing institutional functioning, particularly in the preparation of study plans by all those directly or indirectly related to teaching, and at the same time defining levels of pedagogical performance. It is also suggested to incorporate artificial intelligence resources and teaching methodologies from the cognitive sciences to enrich the implementation of the MEI. Additionally, the advantage of updating the conceptualization and operation of teacher evaluation is argued.
Translated by Alexia Carolina Cruz Rodríguez.
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