Online Tutoring: An Experience from Ángel Anguiano High school


  • Sergio Ibarra Mesa Instituto Tepeyac, campus Aguascalientes



tutoring, online tutoring, tutoring in high school, tutoring in pandemic


As in other areas of society, education changed its modality from presential to online in response to the health crisis due to COVID-19. In this regard, tutoring sessions must have also been changed since through this educational practice, integral development of students is fostered. Thus, its importance in response to the pandemic was essential to resiliently face this experience. To evidence the way to conduct the tutoring sessions at Ángel Anguiano high school, a questionnaire addressing high school tutors was made where findings revealed the way that tutoring sessions were implemented as well as the main challenges and emerged learnings with this change in modality with the purpose of offering an holistic vision to tutors and educators in general and facilitating the identification of methods and techniques to strengthen their educative actions in areas of tutoring.


Translated by Adán Israel Vázquez Alba


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Author Biography

Sergio Ibarra Mesa, Instituto Tepeyac, campus Aguascalientes

Es licenciado en Asesoría Psicopedagógica por la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (UAA). Ha colaborado en proyectos de investigación del Departamento de Educación de la UAA, como “Una experiencia en la formación de tutores” e “Implementación y valoración de la acción tutorial en la educación media superior en el estado de Aguascalientes”, a cargo de la doctora Ana Cecilia Macías Esparza. Se desempeña como orientador educativo en la preparatoria del Instituto Tepeyac, campus Aguascalientes, y es docente del área de las ciencias sociales en materias como Psicología social, Metodología de la investigación y Tutorías en la educación media superior.



How to Cite

Ibarra Mesa, S. (2022). Online Tutoring: An Experience from Ángel Anguiano High school. DOCERE, (26), 15–19.

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